Writing competition challenge: English Course Renewal

Writing competition challenge: English Course Renewal
Writing competition challenge: English Course Renewal

Following the success of previous competitions in the past, we’re bringing it back one last time. This year we’re offering you an exciting opportunity to win a free renewal course in one of Dublin’s best language schools (ISI is a three-time award winner!). Alternatively, you could win free medical insurance and fees materials – up to the value of 195 euros.

This writing challenge is open to both current ISI students and non-ISI-students who may be studying in different schools. The deadline for submission of entries is the 30th of April 2021, so let’s get started sooner rather than later!

We are asking students to write a short piece of up to 200-300 words. It’s a great opportunity to practice your skills at writing in English. The content of the pieces will differ slightly depending on whether you are currently an ISI student or a non-ISI-student.

ISI students should tell us why they love studying at ISI Dublin – tell us about the academic side of things, what you think of the teachers, the classes (whether online or onsite) and the quality of the general services provided (the responsiveness of management, the friendliness of our staff, the ease of booking places, etc).

As for non-ISI-students – let us know what you like about Dublin city itself as a place to study in. Give us a general overview on what it is about the city that so attracts and appeals to you. Is it the history? The culture? The people? The parks? The pubs? Have some fun with your writing!

What’s on offer:

• The lucky winner of the writing competition will receive a One Academic Year visa renewal course scholarship
• Should they decide to renew their course with us, all the competition participants will receive free medical insurance and course materials (up to the value of 195 euros)

Terms and Conditions:

  • Your piece must meet the length requirements (a minimum of 200 words, maximum of 300 words)
  • You must submit a picture of yourself either in one of our buildings or somewhere in Dublin (preferably with a famous monument in the background)
  • The deadline is April 30th, 2021 – entries are welcome before that date and the winner will be announced in the first week of May
  • Only one entry per student may be submitted
  • The voucher and scholarship offered are non-transferable

This is an incredible opportunity and not to be missed! We very much look forward to reading your entries. So start here writing and good luck!

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