Blog ISI Dublín

Meet Brunna

Brunna Oliveira from Brazil. ISI, just one more English school in Dublin, right? Yeah, it's true, they are just one more English school, but ISI it's a really different than ...

Conozca a Ariane

Ariane Macedo Gomes de Campos from Brazil. Living abroad, learning a new language, being away from your family and friends is like being at a crossroads. It might make a ...
Inglés general intensivo en Dublín Irlanda ISI Dublin English School

Verbos frasales

Una de las partes más complicadas de la gramática inglesa son los verbos frasales. Intentaremos dar una breve explicación y demostración de los mismos. Definición de los phrasal verbs El inglés es ...

Meet Anderson

Anderson Pysklewitz Feitosa from Brazil. During the time that I studied at ISI I had the opportunity to improve my English and also to meet people from all over the ...