Meet Debora

Debora Oliveira from Brazil.

It’s crazy to think that I wasn’t even supposed to be here. Never in my life have I ever thought of coming to Ireland, and it turned out to be the best decision I have ever made. It all started with a YouTube video that changed everything and made me choose this country. It was also in a YouTube video that I first saw ISI Dublin and I knew then that it was the school I wanted to study at.

What can I say about ISI? The structure of the building is great, and it is located in the city center, which makes it much easier for us to come and go. But the main reason that I like the school and that I chose to study there for all my visa renewals was, honestly, the teachers and staff. I had three incredible teachers during my time there, Conor, Claire and Eamon. Thanks to Conor and Claire, I got a really good grade at my Cambridge exam. And Eamon, one of the best and nicest teachers I’ve ever had. He sure knows how much I hate writing, but I decided to give this one a go.

About the staff, since the very start, they were so nice and helpful. They give you all the information and support you may need.

I should also mention the school social program. They plan activities every week and it’s a great opportunity for us to meet new people and make friends, specially for those of us who came here alone.

All in all, I have lived the best moments of my life here, along with a few not so pleasant ones. Like the Coldplay´s song, The Scientist, “Nobody said it was easy/No one ever said it would be so hard”. But without a bit of rain, we wouldn’t have rainbows. And I do believe that everything we experience here helps shape who we are.

One thing is for sure, I will never forget this place and I’m not ready to leave it, yet.



This is so amazing, Dèbora!!! Thank you so much for your lovely words and excellent job done here! This means everything to us! Our goal is to make sure we offer the best experience to each of our students. THANK YOU <3


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