세계 책의 날

세계 책의 날
세계 책의 날

세계 책의 날
(Note, in Ireland and the UK, World Book Day takes part on the first Thursday of March every year.)

World Book Day is an annual event that celebrates the love of books and the need to read them.

On April 23rd, #readinghour is observed between 7 pm and 8 pm, making World Book Evening an event not to be missed.

As part of World Book Day, here are some recommendations based on language levels, and other ways you can read some of the greatest books produced.

A1-A2 – The Giggler Treatment

The Giggler Treatment
The Giggler Treatment

A children’s book by nature, the Giggler Treatment by Dubliner Roddy Doyle is a rude, but funny, story about a talking dog, Mr Mack, and the elf-like creatures, the Gigglers, who spend the book attempting to stop a practical joke on Mr Mack. The book’s language is not too complicated, and it uses narrative tenses quite well, while also including uses of the first conditional as a form of humour.

A2-B1 – The Hobbit

The Hobbit
The Hobbit

J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit, an unintentional and revised prequel to the Lord of the Rings, was written by Tolkein for his children. Telling the story of a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, a wizard, Gandalf the Grey, thirteen dwarves and a dragon, Smaug, the hobbit is an easier introduction to the lands of Middle-earth. While some of the language is a bit old and archaic, it is descriptive, the overall story is well constructed, and the target audience is children, so the themes of the book remain innocent.

B1-B2 – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is a book described as a must read for children and adults. Written in first person from the perspective of Christopher John Francis Boone, a 15-year old boy with a form of autism, the story gives a remarkable insight into the world of Christopher who attempts to solve the murder of a local dog, Wellington. Sherlock Holmer obsessed Christopher’s adventure presents a challenge to his own condition in a book that cannot be more highly recommended.

B2-C1 – Ulysses


A challenging read by all accounts, Ulysses by Irish author James Joyce takes place all in one day, June 16th, 1904. Largely told through the consciousness of two characters, Stephen Dedalus, 22, and Leopold Bloom, 38, the entire story lasts only 19 hours. With comparisons to be made between Homer’s Odyssey (Ullyses being the latinised name for Odysseus), Stephen is compared to the Greek hero, while Leopold and Molly (his wife) are compared to Telemachus, Odysseus’s son. Famously, not much happens in this book, which is perhaps why many find in so challenging to read. Best of luck.

If none of these books interest you, comics, graphic novels, and manga are always recommended substitutes. For lower levels try childrens books like those by Roald dahl, and towards intermediate, Terry Pratchet’s discworld.

You’ll find all the classics in your local library, and many books of interest whose copyright has expired 여기.

Happy reading.

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