Training for teachers – Erasmus +

아베세다리움(또는 간단히 ABC)은 단어와 그 의미를 알파벳순으로 배열한 모음집입니다.

Our Erasmus+ abecedarium, completed over the course of one week at ISI Dublin, whilst studying Irish History, Culture, and Literature, is a collection of words that pertain to the life and work of Irish writer, Gaelic revivalist, and spiritual occultist, William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), as it is presented to the visitor at the National Library of Ireland.

  • Tina Halvarsson
  • Elin Oehrn
  • Janina Massuthe
  • Heike Emde
  • Julia Patino
  • Anneli O’Connor
  • Silvana Solonezki
  • Aasa Engman
  • David Quintana Agenjo
  • Diego Rodríguez Sanz

Edia’s booklet September 2022

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