Our summer intern Elaine’s story

Our summer intern Elaine’s story

I am a Malaysian girl studying in a university in Hong Kong and, at the moment, I am here in Dublin for the summer as an intern with ISI.

Working at ISI is a memorable and valuable experience for me. I feel that the thing that makes ISI stand out from other companies I’ve worked for before is the environment and atmosphere. I really enjoy working here because everyone here, including the staff, teachers and students, is very friendly, and they also show respect for each other.

I still remember how nervous I was on my first day here, but thanks to the teachers and staff who took the initiative to have a little chat with me, I soon become comfortable enough in a few days’ time. I believe that it is this friendly atmosphere that makes coming to work or attending class at ISI an enjoyable experience. Besides that, I think that the biggest difference I observed is the fact that they use open communication here – everyone will communicate actively and effectively when there is a problem. Also, for a dog lover like me, having a dog in the office is a bonus too. I have never seen people bringing a dog to the office before and I think this makes work much more entertaining.

Our summer intern Elaine’s story

As Ireland has longer daylight hours in the summer, when I finish work at 4pm every day, I often stroll around the city centre or visit some of the parks nearby. I like the summer weather here in Ireland. Unlike my home country Malaysia, where it’s always hot all throughout the year, or Hong Kong, where the summer is hot and humid, the weather here is just right – you won’t sweat a bit – although it is sometimes unpredictable with bits of drizzle here and there.

Having such lovely weather, and in order to cherish the moments here, my new friends from the student residence and I also go out on short trips every weekend. We have visited places such as Howth, Belfast, Galway and the Cliffs of Moher. Every place has its uniqueness and, so far, my favourite place is Dingle town, which is located in the west of Ireland. The journey to Dingle is scenic with green landscapes and the town itself is beautiful. This small seaside town has a vibe that differs from Dublin, the capital city. Unlike the hustle and bustle in Dublin, where it is always full of busy pedestrians and tourists, Dingle is a pretty little town where we can take our time and truly enjoy a stroll through the streets.

Our summer intern Elaine’s story

During my six-week internship at ISI, I also became friends with the other two lovely interns from Germany – Elena and Sophie. We talked and shared a lot: from the weather in our own countries to the different cultures and nationalities in our schools, and even about our personal experiences and life. It was always nice to listen to their stories. It felt like I got to know and understand them more each time I heard them sharing more and more about themselves. However, our time together was short and the girls left on my third week, as they were already here long before I came. It is a pity that we could not spend more time together, but we promised each other to meet up when I am travelling to Germany next year!

Working at ISI, I am fully immersed in an all-English and multicultural environment. As the staff and students here are all from different countries, it is a good opportunity for me to practise my listening and speaking skills as we all converse in English. Most importantly, it gives me not only the opportunity to broaden my horizons, but also to make new friends as well. I am truly grateful for this. It has been a truly memorable and unforgettable experience.

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