Meet Ariane

Ariane Macedo Gomes de Campos from Brazil.

Living abroad, learning a new language, being away from your family and friends is like being at a crossroads. It might make a dream come true or become a big nightmare, and what will decide this are the following things: who you meet and how your journey will be. Becoming light, pleasant and memorable.

Dublin is a passionate place. I visited Dublin as a tourist in 2019. I got to fall in love with each detail of this country, the people I met and the culture. So, from there I was sure that Dublin would be my destiny, Dublin would be the place where I was going to learn a new language, which for a while I would call home. Dublin won me, in 2020 I was back to live my exchange.

When I decided to go back to Dublin to study a new language I researched for schools and among many, ISI caught my eye, for the excellent feedback and testimonials from ex students. And since the first time I stepped in this school, it also caught my heart.

Nobody knows about their fate, nobody had known about events that we couldn’t control which changed our plans, as the pandemic. But what we know is that we should never give up. Having studied at ISI only confirmed this statement.

For me to have found ISI was the door to my experience studying abroad and it has been a dream. I remember the energy and joy of the teachers and students when we studied face to face. I remember how fun it was doing activities like “The ISI newspaper”, walking the aisles interviewing students and staff. I remember how magic it was to have coffee at the break, sit in the canteen and talk to friends that I considered a great gift in my life. And when they started online classes, it was a paradigm break of how boring it was to study online. The classes were great and increasingly surprised me.

Fridays were the most anticipated day, not because we supposed it was going to be quick to enjoy Friday, but because it was karaoke day, and contrary to what one might expect on a Friday, we stayed longer than the class hours singing (Finbar thank you for that).

ISI, you made a difference in my life. My learning has evolved, it has provided me with lovely moments, it has made me know the best friends (friendships made in person and built by zoom). ISI you confirmed to me that Dublin was the best choice, regardless of any circumstances. It’s been a dream. Thank you

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Hi Ariane, well done! Thank you so much for your lovely words. We are so happy to know that you had a great experience with us. We wish you all the best.

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