Little Italy przyjeżdża do ISI Dublin

Little Italy przyjeżdża do ISI Dublin

As Matteo Ricci, Volterra, and Guggenheim schools, each from different regions in Italy, prepare to say goodbye, for now, to our Junior Schools Programme, we look back on their week-long experience with us, and the memories they’ll be taking away.

A new city to explore, a new culture to experience, and of course, very different weather to embrace, Matteo Ricci, Volterra, and Guggenheim students’ week-long stay with ISI Dublin has certainly been one to remember. Engaging classes, exciting afternoon and weekend activities, along with a select set of welcoming host families, the students tell us their story about their ISI Dublin experience.

Little Italy przyjeżdża do ISI Dublin
Little Italy przyjeżdża do ISI Dublin

Matteo Ricci, Volterra, and Guggenheim students’ week-long stay with ISI Dublin – Dublin Castle, Ireland 1ISI Dublin prides itself on providing engaging, and exciting English classes. An effort that certainly did not go unnoticed with students from Matteo Ricci, as Francesca, 17, explained, “I loved the classes, they were my favourite”. Francesca’s teacher – Karen, received a special mention, “Karen is amazing. She lived in Italy for five years, so she understands us better”.

A snort of laughter interrupting Francesca’s train of thought, a memory of the moment the class first learned that Karen understood Italian creeping into her mind.

In the heart of Dublin City Centre, sit ISI Dublin’s Junior School, providing endless exciting opportunities. Once Martina, 17, of Matteo Ricci overcame her excitement at seeing a Starbucks on every corner, our social activities programme led her, along with the rest of the students, through a whirlwind of unique cultural and educational experiences.Matteo Ricci, Volterra, and Guggenheim students’ week-long stay with ISI Dublin – Dublin Castle, Ireland 2Serena, 18, was in awe of the Irish Céilí. “I’ve never seen it before, it’s unique. I loved this very much”. Matteo Ricci students’ new-found love of Irish culture didn’t end there, as Martina, found that “Newgrange was incredible”.

The ensuing debate, deciding upon one, solitary favourite moment proved too difficult a task.

Not limited to life within Dublin’s City Centre, the opportunity to explore the rest of the Emerald Isle left Guggenheim students in awe of what our little country has to offer. “Galway is something I’ve never seen before, there is so much life there”, Silvia, 18, and Raji, 17, concur. Silvia quick to add that Howth Cliff Walks have a habit of taking one’s breath away, “the view is incredible”.

While their friends Lisa, 18, and Aurora, 18, took advantage of their allocated free time, visiting one of the many beaches in the vicinity of Dublin, “It’s very beautiful, but too cold. We are not so brave”. Their concealed grins suggesting that perhaps the temptation was not enough to venture into the sea, instead choosing to enjoy the Irish Sea from a warm distance.

Little Italy przyjeżdża do ISI Dublin
Little Italy przyjeżdża do ISI Dublin

Matteo Ricci, Volterra, and Guggenheim students’ week-long stay with ISI Dublin – St Patrick Cathedral Dublin, Ireland

Leaving home behind for a week can be difficult, but ISI Dublin’s provision of a select group of experienced host families seems to have made these groups feel right at home. The Irish sense of humour playing a major role, according to Francesca, “my host family is amazing. The parents are so funny, and friendly. It’s easy here for me”.

Aurora was even surprised by the Irish cuisine, and cooking talents of her host family, as a wide grin spread across her face, “the food was really good. Even for me, and I’m Italian”. Her laughter hiding many a tale, kept only for her and her new found Irish home.

Beaming smiles, and whole-hearted laughter, is the only fitting end to an unforgettable week for Matteo Ricci, Volterra, and Guggenheim schools with ISI Dublin.

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