Eligible for Erasmus funding - Key Action 1 – Mobility for education staff

Angielski i kursy szkoleniowe dla nauczycieli i profesjonalistów

If you are a teacher or work for an educational organisation, you may be eligible for Erasmus+ funding to join one of our special training programmes. We specialise in the Key Action 1 – Mobility for education staff Erasmus+ programmes, which are open to private or public educational organisations like schools, universities and colleges from the EU and EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).

Format of our Professional and Teacher Training Programmes – Erasmus plus

  • All courses are taught by a team of highly qualified and experienced English language teachers and DELTA-qualified (or equivalent) teacher trainers.
  • We offer a format of 15 hours of English language training at your specific level, combined with 10 hours of specialised modules in your chosen field.
  • Specialised modules are taught over 1 week. Students who require 2 weeks can take a different module for their 2nd week.
  • Prices including the social & cultural activity programme (there may be some pay-as-you-go entry fees).


Study English in one of the best English schools in Dublin! It’s your chance to improve your English skills! Teachers and educational organizations can get Erasmus+ funding for staff mobility training in the EU and EFTA!

How to apply

  • Choose your Erasmus+ teacher training course below and contact us for details re dates, hours etc.
  • Applications must be made through your institution.
  • Our legal name ISI Study in Ireland, our Erasmus OID: E10020271 i PIC: 905414103 must be used on the application.
  • At the end of your English course we will also help you to complete the Europass Mobility documents.

Starting every Monday:

By request:

Visit our dedicated Teacher Training website

On our dedicated Teacher Training website you can read all about our teacher training programmes & Erasmus+, as well as options for accommodation, social programme and more.

Levels at ISI Dublin

Rada Europy Poziom równoważny ISI Przybliżony poziom egzaminu
Podstawowy użytkownik
A1 Fałszywy początkujący-elementarny
A2 Pre-intermediate KET/IELTS (3)/TOEIC 220+/Trinity ISE Foundation
Niezależny użytkownik
B1 Średniozaawansowany PET/IELTS (4)/TOEIC 380+/Trinity ISE I
B2 Upper Intermediate FCE/IELTS (5)TOEIC 520+/Trinity ISE II
Biegły użytkownik
C1 Niższy Zaawansowany CAE/IELTS (6)/TOEIC 800+Trinity ISE III

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Jeśli mają Państwo jakiekolwiek pytania, prosimy o kontakt. Mogą Państwo napisać do nas bezpośrednio info@studyinireland.ie lub proszę wypełnić poniższy formularz online, a my skontaktujemy się z Państwem tak szybko, jak to możliwe.