trinity / cambridge / ielts exams

Курсы английского языка для подготовки к экзаменам

IELTS, Trinity and Cambridge have become internationally-renowned examinations and are pre-requisites for non-native speakers for entry to most universities. Our full time, 15-hour per week exam preparation course is designed to help students succeed in your exam and will provide a complete guide to everything you need to know as you prepare for the examinations.

Key points

  • Explore in detail each of the four parts of the test
  • Examine the assessment criteria and everything you need to achieve high band scores
  • Explore the range of task types seen in all parts of the test
  • Collect tips and develop techniques to help prepare for the test
  • The 4, 8 or 12 weeks can be taken as part of the Academic Year 25-week programme for students who have chosen the IELTS as their exit exam

Начните свое путешествие по английскому языку сегодня!

Unlock your potential with our English courses! Don’t wait—check our active promotion today and take the first step toward fluency and confidence in English!

Entry requirements for the exam courses

Age 18 +


B2 FCE (pre-test required)

C1 CAE (pre-test required)

IELTS B1+ and B2+ (pre-test required)


Morning Classes (Monday to Friday): 09:00 – 12:15
Afternoon Classes (Monday to Friday): 13:30 – 16:40
Evening Classes: 17:30 – 19:30 (Designed for working professionals) – read more

Course start dates

The next available course is on November 4th, 2024.
Following that, the next course will be available in February 2025.

Hours per week



4, 8 or 12 weeks


Сертификат ISI по английскому языку

Вам интересно, каков Ваш уровень владения английским языком?

Пройдите тест онлайн в любом месте и в любое время. Тест содержит вопросы по грамматике и лексике. Получите свои результаты сразу после завершения теста!

Нужны ли Вам какие-либо пояснения?

Если у Вас возникли вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам. Вы можете написать нам напрямую Или просто заполните онлайн-форму ниже, и мы свяжемся с Вами как можно скорее.