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Christmas time is very much a period for expressing cultural identity, family traditions, and recanting tall tales of friendships over a pint, or two. Ireland is no different, we hold our traditions dear, some of which you may not have seen before. Read on to see what unique festivities this little island has in store!

The 12 Pubs of Christmas
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Oh, yes. Christmas is not quite Christmas without channelling a childhood nursery rhyme into an evening of Christmas jumpers, hilarious games, and of course a Guinness or two, or twelve. This is a long standing tradition of friends to visit 12 pubs in one evening, playing different games along the way. So if you spot several reindeer stumbling through Temple Bar draped in Christmas lights while attempting a three legged race, you’ll now know why.

Better yet, next time join in!

Christmas Busking
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Dublin is famed for its musical streets, and the Christmas chorus around this intimate city is special. In recent years, Irish artists have taken to the streets singing carols all in aid of selfless charity. You may even spot a famous face or two as Christmas Eve draws near, so keep your eye out, and follow the singing voices!Bono Vox of U2 with Irish Musicians.

St. Stephen’s Day
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No, not boxing day. No, not the first day of post-Christmas sales either.

St. Stephen’s day is meant for two things – One; Making the largest, and most delicious toastie of the year while then attempting to eat the remainder of the leftover food from Christmas Day, failing, and sinking into whatever seat is nearest a warm fire.

Two; Meeting up with everyone from your past and present, returning home for the holidays to pubs and bars happy to quietly waiver fire safety for the day that’s in it.

While embracing some of our own traditions, why not share with us some of yours? Enrich our story, by adding yours to the comment section!

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