English Language Exchanges in Dublin

English Language Exchanges in Dublin

Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure but not being able to speak the language is daunting, to say the least. While studying at an English Language School, like ISI Dublin, is essential, events such as Conversation Corners and Language Exchanges are further avenues worth exploring in building a day-to-day routine for speaking English.

But these are avenues all too easy to avoid, as most of us in this situation know too well. We stick to what we know by living with people from our own country, exploring with people who speak the same language, and shielding ourselves from the fear of cultural immersion. It’s comfortable. It’s too easy. It’s not why you took the leap, and started fresh in this city.

Reading this, you’re probably thinking, “I know all of this already, but what do I do to change it?”. The answer is simple, and you’ve already done it by moving here. Take a risk, and put yourself into situations you wouldn’t ordinarily do – specifically, drive yourself to converse through English, immersing yourself at every opportunity.

English Language Exchanges in Dublin
English Language Exchanges in Dublin

Conversation exchanges are vibrant all across Dublin, ranging from well-established speed-conversing nights to more intimate evenings giving you the chance to get to know other international students, all of whom are going through the very same journey as you.

At ISI Dublin, we host a more intimate evening sporadically to provide students with a chance to practice English with each other. Breaking down the pre-ordained thought that you cannot practice English without a native speaker is an important barrier to break through, instilling confidence and familiarity with speaking the language.

English Language Exchanges in Dublin
English Language Exchanges in Dublin

Additionally, Language Exchange Ireland in partnership with Real Events, provide one of the largest conversation exchanges in Dublin – located in Dtwo & The Turk’s Head, on a Monday & Tuesday evenings respectively. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve your English regularly with a native speaker, building close relationships, and learning about your new city from people with a wealth of anecdotal experience.

Throw yourself into the social situations that are most frightening, and you’ll discover that you’re journey in a new country, a new culture, and a new language is not to be feared, but revelled in. So what are you waiting for? Follow the links below, and let’s get people talking.



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