We’re finalist!

As you probably already know, our school has been nominated for the prestigious Study Travel Magazine English Language School Europe Award for the 6th time this year. We are honoured and I would like to take an opportunity to thank you, our partner partners around the world, for your votes and continuous support. It means the world to us and this nomination would not have happened without you.

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The “Star Awards” are organised by one of the most influential industry magazines, “Study Travel Magazine” and are also referred to as The Oscars, or Academy Awards, for the study abroad industry. The highest quality Language institutions are voted on by partner partners across the globe in twenty-five categories. When voting for their favourite language education institution, study abroad partners take student support, responsiveness, quality of tuition and many other elements, that determine successful partnership, into consideration.  The five institutions with the highest number of votes are then shortlisted in each category and the institution with the most votes wins.

Unfortunately, this year’s award ceremony could not take place due to the current global pandemic, but we look forward to the event next year. We have won the Star Award in the same category three times already, in 2014, 2016 and 2018 but the recent nomination and being shortlisted as a finalist in the category is very special. Next year we will be celebrating our 20th birthday and winning again would be the best present one can get. Keep your fingers crossed for us!.