Academic: ISI Dublin Magazine

Academic ISI Dublin Magazine

We want to show you a beautiful activity developed at ISI Dublin by our teacher Florencia and carried out by the students, Ana Paula, Bahadir, Liliana, Rafael, Soyeon, Suellen, Mariana, Marisol, Jaye, Jessica, Leandro and Hicran.

We believe it is going to be useful to all our students and for the ones who are thinking to come to study with us.

This project was carried out by students from a B1 level as a way of integrating all the content learnt during a week.

Students had been learning how to differentiate real from fake news, identify main ideas and make texts interesting to the reader.

As regards the grammar, students had been recognising and producing different structures to suggest, recommend and give advice.

The aim of this magazine is to provide other students with information that would make their stay in Dublin more enjoyable.

Below you’ll see the great final result and you can download the file from 这里.


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