From South Korea to the Emerald Isle

From South Korea to the Emerald Isle ISI Dublin was delighted to welcome Yeaji Lee and Chaeha Kim to Dublin earlier this year, so we sat down with them to see how their experience on our Academic Year programme was going.

First Impression of Ireland

Chaeha Kim “expected to meet many Irish people”, and wasn’t disappointed. If anything they were surprised by the warm weather, Yeaji Lee in particular saying “when I came here in June, the Chaeha Kim and Yeaji Lee at ISI Dublin – 1weather was so nice and warm” – even Ireland gets a summer time, and the charm of the Irish aesthetic seemed to work its magic.

Experience with ISI Dublin

At ISI Dublin, we pride ourselves on our contemporary building within the locally historic setting – but Yeaji Lee and Chaeha Kim noticed even more detailed pleasantries that lay in store. Chaeha Kim said that the school is “so nice, especially things are decorated for every special days”. The festive decorations, decking the halls of ISI Dublin appeased the Christmas spirit in Chaeha Kim.

From South Korea to the Emerald Isle
From South Korea to the Emerald Isle

Not only was the design a factor, but the classes and teachers got a special mention. “There were so nice teachers for me. Tanya and Eamon are so friendly to us and listen to what we want to study”, explained Yeaji Lee. It cannot be understated the importance of feeling at home in a classroom, and we’re very happy to hear that their educational experience has been a very welcoming one.

Moving to a new country can be lonely, as Yeaji Lee pointed out sayin “sometimes I felt lonely without my family and friends”, which is why ISI Dublin provides a diverse and innovative Social Programme which we take great pride in. Yeaji Lee was quick to point out that “there are many interesting programme that you have to enjoy as soon as possible”, which Chaeha Kim reiterated “I participated in many activities and parties”.

As for Dublin City – “There are many beautiful places to go, which you can easily go by bus or train. I would recommend Bray, Dalkey, Howth, and Malahide”, the beauty of this little city reflected in the wide smiles on both Yeaji Lee and Chaeha Kim’s faces. Moments like this make us very proud, here, at ISI Dublin

Watch the video below, and listen to their story…


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