Poets’ Corner

Poets’ Corner

One of our many talented students has written this poem about ISI which beautifully captures the atmosphere of the school.

‘Beyond The Walls’ by Camilla Valadão

Kindly kept in an alley like a secret
Framed by rustic bricks in a mysterious brown
Almost evoking ancient times to revive

It´s power can be felt with a simple upwards sight
And it´s grandiosity can freeze the eyes
Faster than the cold outside

Suddenly the whole world changes once inside the walls
The bricks that could scrape
Are the same that enclasp in a warm hug
All the cold stays behind

Stairs will lead to a white and wooden maze
The kind that won´t scare
But will make curiosity explode
Pay attention to the whisper that says
Let´s play hide and seek
Ready to get me?
Ready to find me?
Ready to unmask me?

Life is there
Not only in a thousand steps up and down the stairs
Not only in a thousand voices reverberating the aisles
But in each brown brick
In each white wall
Life is there


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