Luis 在都柏林 ISI 學習的經歷

Luis 在都柏林 ISI 學習的經歷

Hi! My name is Luis, I am Mexican and I am studying English at ISI Dublin school. I’ve been here for over six months, and although living here can be a little difficult due to the weather, especially if you come from a warm country, after a while you get used to it and start enjoying everything here.

I have known excellent teachers and great classmates that have been helping me to improve my English in the best possible way. Also, the school offers a lot of extra activities that help to improve your English and at the same time you get to know other people and amazing places.

Luis 在都柏林 ISI 學習的經歷

Dublin is a fantastic city where you can have a lot of fun and there are lots of great cafes and restaurants to enjoy. Another aspect I love about being here is meeting and becoming friends with people from all over the world.

Ireland has beautiful places to visit, like the Cliffs of Moher, and the best is that everything is close. You can travel from south to north in just a few hours by car. Everywhere you look is green and the atmosphere is very relaxed here.

Luis 在都柏林 ISI 學習的經歷

Furthermore, living in Dublin can be very convenient because you can work part time and travel around Europe at the cheapest prices.
Coming here was the best decision I’ve ever made. An amazing experience that I really recommend.


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