ISI Dublin wins the prestigious ST Star English Language School Europe 2016 award

ISI Dublin wins the prestigious ST Star English Language School Europe 2016 award

We are delighted to announce that ISI Dublin won the ST Star English Language School Europe 2016 award at the Hilton Park Lane, London, on Saturday night.

2016 - Peter Hutchinson & Elaine Hickey
2016 – Peter Hutchinson & Elaine Hickey

The ST Star Awards ceremony is a unique annual event where language travel partners vote for their preferred partner schools. It is one of the most respected and prestigious awards in the language school industry. ISI Dublin also won the award in 2014 and this is only the second time any school has won the award twice and is a first for a school from Ireland. Competing against schools across the UK & Europe this is the third year in a row an Irish school has won, further highlighting what a fantastic destination Ireland is to learn English. Hosted by Study Travel Magazine the event is attended by over 800 top industry executives during the Alphe UK workshop.

2014 - Peter & ISI Directors Brian Burns & James Dorrian
2014 – Peter & ISI Directors Brian Burns & James Dorrian

ISI would like to thank all our partners who voted for us. This support of our partner partners is wonderful recognition of the hard work our staff continue to do in delivering a fantastic learning experience for our wonderful students.

For more about the awards:

For more about ISI

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