Meet Brunna

Brunna Oliveira from Brazil.

ISI, just one more English school in Dublin, right? Yeah, it’s true, they are just one more English school, but ISI it’s a really different than the others language schools. They are willing to teach more than just English, ‘cause they have a lot of extra  clubs like the history, art, and jobs clubs ad etc. They are so lovely, they are always available to help their students with everything, even things that are not exactly about the school.

To be honest I’m in love with this school. During the whole lockdown I was so upset with everything and that I didn’t want to study anymore, I didn’t want to do nothing to be honest. But the school was always helping me, sending me emails, giving me some advise s about  my anxiety and other things. They are always sending emails to all the students to help then  getting distracted  at this time or saying if they need help they will be there to listen. In ISI you can see the teachers’ passion, you really can see the love about  their job while they are teaching. They are always worried with  their students too and they are willing to do everything to teach the students. Thank you ISI to give  supporting to me and a lot of students in these hard times.

Il nostro feedback

Consulente per le vendite

Amazing job! Thank you so much, Bruna for your lovely words! This means everything to us! Our goal is to make sure we offer the best experience to each of our students.

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