Meet Anna Beatriz

Anna Beatriz Machado from Brazil.

When we think of an exchange experience, where insecurity and fear of the unknown are important factors to be considered, we need to research a lot about the destination country and where we will settle there, especially when our main objective is improve the English language. It was at that moment that I had my first contact with ISI, which at first was presented to me only as a school of superior quality at an affordable price. It was so much more than that.

From the beginning, the school offered very good support related to the best level for me to enter, my well-being in relation to classes and teachers, and my development there. It was my first Elementary class that provided me friendships that accompany my life to this day, whether sharing a house or meetings in Dublin.

The school offers a wide range of extra-class activities that enable the student’s development not only in daily theory. I have already participated in the History-club, games after classes, meetings in pubs with other students, theme parties and help to enter  the job market. Of course, we had a pandemic in the middle of this whole journey that made it impossible for some activities to continue, but even in the face of this situation, the school stood out. With infrastructure, it was a pioneer in receiving students to face-to-face classes, of course  concerned with  protection and control measures. I have to highlight, of course, the great teachers who went through this journey! When we add it all up and at the end of this 2 renewal process, I realize how much I have evolved, how lightly  this has happened  and how the school has helped me and contributed to making my exchange experience  wonderful.

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Great job, Anna Beatriz! Thank you so much for your lovely words! This means everything to us! Our goal is to make sure we offer the best experience to each of our students

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