ISI Student Ambassador, Anderson: Emerald Isle

ISI Student Ambassador, Anderson
ISI Student Ambassador, Anderson

Experiencing Dublin: My First Month on the Emerald Isle

The first month in any new place is not easy, right? It is no different when we embark on a journey. After choosing the country you will move to and the language school, you have to say goodbye to your family and friends, not knowing when you will see them again.

The farewell at the airport is hard, but we know it is for a good reason. Make sure you have all the important documents ready to show to the immigration service. You might feel like something could go wrong, but there is no need to worry too much about it. It is not a big deal.

Welcome to Dublin

Once you arrive at your destination, in my case Dublin, Ireland, you will start thinking about your new life. Soon, you will make new friends, as I did on my first day at the airport. It is easy to make new friends here since there are many students going through the same process.

One of the first challenges you will face is accommodation. Your first place will likely be shared with others, whether it is a hostel or a student house. The good thing is you will meet people from all over the world, which is a great opportunity to make friends and practice your English.

Your first day at school should be nice. You will meet people from different countries and start a new chapter of your life. On the first day, you will be evaluated to determine your language level. At ISI Dublin, where I study, I started as a B1 (intermediate) student.

In your first or second week, you should look for permanent accommodation. You will need to visit a few places to decide which one suits you best. Would you prefer a cheap place, one close to the city center, or a single room? These are important considerations.

Exploring Around

During your first month, you will certainly visit many of Dublin’s beautiful places. The Emerald Isle is famous for its stunning landscapes, especially parks like Phoenix Park and St. Stephen’s Green, as well as its pubs, which are for all tastes and people. My favourite park so far is Phoenix Park, one of the largest enclosed public parks in Europe, where you can find beautiful deer and vegetation.

You can also visit some beaches by DART (train that connects distant places) or bus. I loved visiting Bray and Howth, but there are many other options. Dublin also has the Luas, another type of train that goes to various parts of the city.

If you like history, you can visit some free museums and places with gorgeous architecture, such as castles and churches.

Be prepared for the changeable weather. Winters can be very cold, but even with lower temperatures, you might feel warm at times during other parts of the year. If you are lucky, you might enjoy snow or see the Northern Lights.

Of course, there will be other things to do in your first month besides having fun. You will probably want to get a job, one of the advantages of doing an English language course in Ireland, so get ready to make your Irish CV and start applying to companies both in person and online.

Do not worry about all these tasks. They will happen in time, and your school may also help you find a place to live, prepare your CV, and visit points of interest in Dublin and other cities. Here at ISI Dublin, we have a Jobs Club every Tuesday.

For more information about life in Dublin you can follow my profile anderson.cesaro or ask ISI Dublin.

Hope Anderson’s story offer you some insights into studying and traveling in Ireland as a language school student. Please find below pictures shared by Anderson.


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