Академические советы: Топ-10 смертельных ирландских слов!

Совершенствуйте свой английский, Академические советы

Hey ISI learners, ready to dive into some deadly Irish words? Let’s explore these cool terms that Irish people use every day!

Совершенствуйте свой английский, Академические советы

Номер 10: Сдвиг

In Ireland, young people might talk about a “kiss” as a “shift.” So, after a night out, friends might ask, “Did ya get the shift?” It’s like a secret word for a kiss.

Номер 9: Gobsmacked

If something makes you really surprised, you can say you were “gobsmacked.” It’s like being so surprised your mouth drops open!

Номер 8: Смертельный

When something is really good, Irish people say it’s “deadly.” Like, “That concert was deadly!” It means the concert was amazing.

Номер 7: Гафф

Your “gaff” is your “house” in Ireland. So, if you’re having a party at your place, just say, “We’re having a party at my gaff tonight!”

Number 6: Gas

If something or someone is “gas”, it means they are funny and make you laugh. “That’s gas” means it’s funny and “She’s gas” means she’s funny.

Number 5: Yoke

When you don’t know the name of something, call it a “yoke.” For example, “Hand me that yoke over there, will ya?” It works for anything you don’t know the name of.

Номер 4: Эйджит

If an Irish friend calls you an “eejit,” they’re just teasing you in a friendly way. It means they think you’re acting a bit foolish or silly.

Номер 3: Фек

When something goes wrong, you can say “feck it!” It’s like saying “oops” or “oh no” in a friendly way. It’s a bit like a surprise word.

Номер 2: Гранд

“I’m grand” means “I’m good” or “I’m okay” in Ireland. It’s a simple way to say you’re feeling fine.

Номер 1: Крик

At the top of our list is “craic.” When someone asks, “What’s the craic?” they’re asking what’s happening or if everyone is having fun. It’s a word for fun times!

There you go! These deadly words will help you chat with Irish friends and make your English sound a bit more Irish. Stay tuned for more fun English tips!

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