Sophia, winner of our May scholarship, talks about her experience at ISI

Hey Guys,

Today I would like to share my experience of studying at ISI Dublin with you.

I’m Brazilian and I started my course last January, and since then I have had only good experiences, for instance, I have studied with great teachers, I have met people from different countries (one of the best things about the exchange experience), I have joined in some of the social programs (and they have a lot of them, from guided tours to conversation meetings) and now I’m enjoying the online classes.

I know that this pandemic period is not easy but I’m sure that ISI is dealing with the situation well and offering the best possible opportunities for us to keep learning. The classes have a limited number of students and the teachers are working really well online. These positive experiences just prove that ISI has a high level of teaching and continues to provide this even in a difficult situation.

This is my second cultural exchange and I’m sure that I have made the best choice of school and country!

Thank you so much ISI for always doing a great job, and I hope that we can meet everyone again soon!

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