Meet Bernardita

Bernardita María Canales from Chile. I arrived in Dublin in the middle of Covid, in October of last year. This wasn't easy because I didn't expect to encounter a pandemic, ...

Meet Ivan

Ivan Moto from Mexico. Hello everybody I hope all are  fine. I will write about my experience in ISI school, I came here last year in February 1 months before ...

Meet Camila

Camila Santos from Brazil. This is an essay about superlatives! Do you see this girl in the photo? She seems confident, right? But what you do not know is how ...

Meet Brunna

Brunna Oliveira from Brazil. ISI, just one more English school in Dublin, right? Yeah, it's true, they are just one more English school, but ISI it's a really different than ...

Meet Ariane

Ariane Macedo Gomes de Campos from Brazil. Living abroad, learning a new language, being away from your family and friends is like being at a crossroads. It might make a ...
Intensive General English in Dublin Ireland ISI Dublin English School

Phrasal Verbs

One of the trickiest parts of English grammar are the phrasal verbs! We will attempt to give a short explanation and demonstration of them. Definition of phrasal verbs English is …