ISI Student Ambassador, Jackeline | Mexico

Mexican student ambassador
Mexican student ambassador

5 Essential Things to Do When You Arrive in Ireland

  1. Schedule Your Visa Appointment

    You’ll need to make this appointment over the phone, and of course, in English. I arrived in Dublin on a Saturday and made the call on Monday. If you struggle with English, the staff at ISI can assist you with making the call.

  2. Get a SIM or e-SIM for Your Phone

    There are many telecom companies, but I recommend Three (3) because they offer “unlimited” internet. I don’t have the  internet at home, so I use my phone for everything, including watching movies, videos, and uploading content to YouTube. Even after four months, I haven’t run out of data. They also offer discounts at certain places, like cinemas and coffee shops. To get an e-SIM, simply visit one of their stores and ask for a prepaid plan. There’s a store near ISI with the EirCode: D01 RF86.

  3. Buy and/or Get Your Leap Card

    It’s crucial to get a Leap Card because it allows you to travel all over Dublin. This card provides discounts on public transport (you’ll pay €1 instead of €2, or €0.65 for the Luas instead of €1).

  4. Open a Bank Account

    There are several banks in Ireland, with AIB and Bank of Ireland being the most well-known. Although it’s not a physical bank, Revolut is the easiest to set up with minimal hassle—it’s all online and the app is great. I recommend getting a Revolut card first, then opening an account with an Irish bank (like AIB or Bank of Ireland) to start building your banking history. For AIB, you’ll need to visit a branch to schedule an appointment. If you go to branches outside the city center, you might get an appointment sooner. I had to wait two weeks for mine, but on the day of my appointment, I was able to open my account via a video call with a bank advisor. You’ll need a letter from your school; the reception at ISI can provide all the necessary documentation.

  5. Change Your Phone’s Location to “Ireland”:

    Although I have listed this last, it’s actually one of the first things you should do. Changing your phone’s location is important because it allows you to download new apps that are available in Ireland. Without this change, many apps won’t show up in your app store. Apps for telecom companies, supermarkets, the Leap Card, real-time bus schedules, and more are essential for your daily life in Ireland.

5 Reasons Why You Should Study in Dublin, Ireland

    1. Proximity to the Rest of Europe:

      One of the top reasons many Latin Americans choose Ireland, particularly Dublin, is its proximity to the rest of Europe. Living and working in Dublin opens up countless opportunities to travel and explore many European countries at incredibly low prices. A common example is being able to book a round-trip flight to France for less than €30. Considering the minimum wage here is €12.70 and many jobs pay above that, you can cover the cost of a trip to another country with just about two hours of work. Plus, being the capital, Dublin’s airport is relatively close to the city center.

    2. Work Visa:

      The fact that Ireland allows you to study English and work at the same time is something to appreciate. It enables you to immerse yourself in the language while also providing the opportunity to work, covering your expenses, and saving for travel.

    3. Opportunity to Stay Longer

      Ireland not only welcomes you for eight months but also allows you to renew your English course up to two more times, enabling  you stay in the country for up to two years. During these years, you can make significant progress in your English proficiency, gain work experience in the country, and build networks that can later help you pursue other types of visas.

    4. Multiculturalism

      Ireland, and especially Dublin, is full of people from all over the world. While you will find a large community of people from Brazil and Mexico, you’ll also meet individuals from many other parts of the world, such as Russia, Moldova, Turkey, etc. This not only pushes you to learn and practice English but also exposes you to new cultures,

    5. The Irish People (and their Accent):

      It’s well known that the Irish accent is one of the most challenging. If you’re aiming to become proficient in English, Ireland is the ideal place. Once you can understand and have a conversation with an Irish person, complete with the regional slang, you can consider yourself advanced in English (just kidding). But seriously, the accent and the Irish community are unique and very pleasant. The Irish are incredibly friendly and welcoming to immigrants.

      Ireland, but specifically Dublin, is an experience I highly recommend you don’t miss.

Hope Jackeline’s story offer you some insights into studying and traveling in Ireland as a language school student. Please find below pictures shared by Jackeline.

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