A experiência de Ricardo estudando inglês na Irlanda

estudar inglês na Irlanda,estudar inglês na Irlanda

Hello there! I am Ricardo from Campeche, Mexico and I have been studying General English at ISI Dublin since April 2023.

estudar inglês na Irlanda,estudar inglês na Irlanda

Why study English in Ireland?

I have reached C1 level here and have decided to renew my English course for another 6 months because I would like to improve my grammar skills. It has not been easy, but the teachers are always in the best mood to help, especially if you are looking to improve.

One of the things I like the most about this school is that I have made lots of friends from every corner of the globe. Some of them stay for a short time and some others for a long time, but every week you meet a new person.

The social programme that ISI offers is a great way to make new friends while practicing your English. Most of the activities are for free and you get to visit different places 3 days a week. Just remember to bring comfortable trainers and a waterproof jacket!

As every moving abroad experience, it is normal to miss home. Little did I know how much I would be missing my family and my dogs. However, being so far away, it has actually strengthened our bonds, and it makes you appreciate the little things.

Nevertheless, Dublin is an awesome city where you can find thousands of things to do and I can guarantee you are not going to get bored. It has a very particular Irish charm and I have been really enjoying my time here.

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