Estudante embaixador do ISI, Khulan Nyampurev | Mongólia

Khulan, estudante embaixador da Mongólia
Khulan, estudante embaixador da Mongólia
Khulan, estudante embaixador da Mongólia

Leaving my home and moving to another country was a big decision for me. Deciding where to go was quite more important. Dublin was one of the most suitable cities for me, because once you come here you can easily travel to other EU countries, also you can work and study at the same time.

The first few weeks of living in a new place are the most challenging thing for everyone. For me, for the first one month I lived with a local host family. From the very first day they were super warm and welcoming and helped with so many things. Every day we used to have dinner together and had endless conversations. Spending my time with them improved my English very much, also I really liked the dinners they used to make, they always eat healthy foods. I feel so lucky to have met them. my school ISI helped me apply to my host family, I will always be appreciative for having met them.

The first day of school I was so nervous. I was worrying about my English. But the teachers were so friendly and easy to communicate with. The first thing I had to do was a short speaking test, so they could know my English level. Once you find your class the good things begin. You meet your classmates who come from all over the world. My class was mix of nine different nationalities, which is so incredible. Every day at school we have endless conversations and the teacher is an outstanding person.

When you arrive in Dublin, the very first thing you have to do is visit famous places around the city. One of the big advantages of studying at ISI is you can join the social activities, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They do a tour of Dublin every Monday which is very helpful and it’s open to all new students. The social activities are the greatest opportunity to improve your language with others and make new friends. The first two months I travelled with them a lot! We went to so many amazing places. The most memorable place I have ever visited is the National Gallery of Ireland because I am a huge fan of paintings. Also I really liked Phoenix Park, the first time I saw deers was there, they were so. If you want you can also visit the Dublin Zoo park, which is in the park too. What’s more, you can visit many breathtaking beaches and lighthouses around Dublin, such as the Howth, Killiney and Dollymount Strand. For me, Howth was the most beautiful. The water is crystal clear.

About public transport: you can have a 50% discount as student. And you can travel around Dublin for just 1 euro with the TFI 90 minutes fare. Biking is also very popular and many students take advantage of the Dublin bike scheme.

If you love rain, Dublin has perfect weather for you. You should bring your umbrella and raincoat. For me, I really liked that the temperature never goes below zero, because I come from a very cold country so it feels like summer here.

When I have free time I like to join some clubs at school. I really like the classic Conversation Club, because it’s a great way to spend my free time and I can enjoy and relax at the same time. Also I join the weekly History Club as well. It’s nice to learn about Irish culture and history. If you see chances to improve your English like these clubs, you shouldn’t lose out, every day you will learn new things.

Last but not least, finding a job in Dublin is quite challenging. Many students find jobs in cafes, restaurants or in retail, which can also help improve your language skills. If you feel a bit unsure about your CV, you can join the Jobs Clubs at ISI. The teacher will help you with your CV and interview skills.

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