ISI Dublin Fees



Study and work – Academic Year (Non-EU members)

Academic Year English 25 weeks + 8 week holidays
Morning classes | AY15 Afternoon classes | AY15
15 hours per week 15 hours per week
09:00 – 12:15, Monday to Friday 13:30 – 16:40, Monday to Friday
Application fee 60.00 Application fee 60.00
Course materials 90.00 Course materials 90.00
Tuition fee 3,430.00 Tuition fee 2,745.00
Medical Insurance 125.00 Medical Insurance 125.00
Learner Protection Insurance * 40.00 Learner Protection Insurance * 40.00
Exam (Trinity ISE) 200.00 Exam (Trinity ISE) 200.00
Total 3,945.00 Total 3,260.00
Morning classes | AY20 Afternoon classes | AY20
20 hours per week 20 hours per week
09:00 – 12:15 + 8:00 – 9:00 OR 12:25 – 13:25
09:00 – 12:15 + 8:00 – 9:00 OR 12:25 – 13:25
Application fee 60.00 Application fee 60.00
Course materials 90.00 Course materials 90.00
Tuition fee 4,570.00 Tuition fee 3,655.00
Medical Insurance 125.00 Medical Insurance 125.00
Learner Protection Insurance * 40.00 Learner Protection Insurance * 40.00
Exam (Trinity ISE) 200.00 Exam (Trinity ISE) 200.00
Total 5,085.00 Total 4,170.00

* Learner Protection + Medical Insurance €160.00 if booked together



Study and work – Academic Year (Non-EU members)

Renewal – Academic Year English 25 weeks + 8 week holidays
Morning classes | AY15 Afternoon classes | AY15
15 hours per week 15 hours per week
09:00 – 12:15, Monday to Friday 13:30 – 16:40, Monday to Friday
Application fee 60.00 Application fee 60.00
Course materials 90.00 Course materials 90.00
Tuition fee 2,490.00 Tuition fee 1,990.00
Medical Insurance 125.00 Medical Insurance 125.00
Learner Protection Insurance * 40.00 Learner Protection Insurance * 40.00
Exam (Trinity ISE) 200.00 Exam (Trinity ISE) 200.00
Total 3,005.00 Total 2,505.00

ISI Students – Free Booking Fee
* Learner Protection + Medical Insurance €160.00 if booked together

Short term courses

Administrative fees
Application fee 60.00
Materials fee
Course workbook & materials 1 – 12 weeks 50.00
Course workbook & materials 13 + weeks 90.00

Schedule & Prices

Morning Classes Afternoon Classes
Schedule 09.00 – 12.15 08.00 – 12.15 or
09.00 – 13.25
08.00 – 13.25 13.30 – 16.40 12.25 – 16.40
Course General Semi-intensive * Intensive ** General Semi-intensive *
Weeks 15 hours 20 hours * 25 hours ** 15 hours 20 hours *
1 205.00 290.00 380.00 175.00 232.00
2 410.00 580.00 760.00 350.00 464.00
3 615.00 870.00 1,140.00 525.00 696.00
4 820.00 1,160.00 1,520.00 700.00 928.00
5 1,025.00 1,450.00 1,900.00 875.00 1,160.00
6 1,230.00 1,740.00 2,280.00 1,050.00 1,392.00
7 1,435.00 2,030.00 2,660.00 1,225.00 1,624.00
8 1,640.00 2,320.00 3,040.00 1,400.00 1,856.00
9 1,845.00 2,610.00 3,420.00 1,575.00 2,088.00
10 2,050.00 2,900.00 3,800.00 1,750.00 2,320.00
11 2,255.00 3,190.00 4,180.00 1,925.00 2,552.00
12 2,460.00 3,480.00 4,560.00 2,100.00 2,784.00
13 2,535.00 3,575.00 4,680.00 2,145.00 2,860.00
14 2,730.00 3,850.00 5,040.00 2,310.00 3,080.00
15 2,925.00 4,125.00 5,400.00 2,475.00 3,300.00
16 3,120.00 4,400.00 5,760.00 2,640.00 3,520.00
17 3,315.00 4,675.00 6,120.00 2,805.00 3,740.00
18 3,510.00 4,950.00 6,480.00 2,970.00 3,960.00
19 3,515.00 4,940.00 6,460.00 2,850.00 3,952.00
20 3,700.00 5,200.00 6,800.00 3,000.00 4,160.00
21 3,885.00 5,460.00 7,140.00 3,150.00 4,368.00
22 4,070.00 5,720.00 7,480.00 3,300.00 4,576.00
23 4,255.00 5,980.00 7,820.00 3,450.00 4,784.00
24 4,440.00 6,240.00 8,160.00 3,600.00 4,992.00

General English 15 + 5 elective classes***


General English 15 + 10 elective classes***

***Electives classes are Grammar and writing and/or Conversation Fluency.

Business English

English for business

Administrative fees
Application fee 60.00
Materials fee
Course workbook & materials 50.00

Schedule & Prices

Morning Classes Afternoon Classes
Schedule 09.00 – 12.15 13.30 – 16.40
Weeks 15 hours 15 hours
4 900.00 780.00
8 1,800.00 1,560.00
12 2,700.00 2,340.00

Exam Preparation

Administrative fees
Application fee 60.00
Materials fee
Course workbook & materials 50.00

Schedule & Prices

Morning Classes Afternoon Classes
Schedule 09.00 – 12.15 13.30 – 16.40
Weeks 15 hours 15 hours
4 900.00 780.00
8 1,800.00 1,560.00
12 2,700.00 2,340.00

Teacher training programmes - Erasmus +

  • Teacher training programmes
  1. English Language for teachers (any Monday)
  2. CLIL (needs group min 4)
  3. Technology in the classroom (needs group min 4)
  4. Teacher Refresher course (needs group min 4)
  5. Any Special Topics (needs group min 4)
Administrative fees
Application fee 60.00
Materials fee
Course workbook & materials 1 – 12 weeks 50.00

Schedule & Prices

Morning Classes Afternoon Classes
Schedule 08.00 – 12.15 or
09.00 – 13.25
08.00 – 13.25 12.25 – 16.40
Weeks 20 hours * 25 hours ** 20 hours *
1 290.00 380.00 232.00
2 580.00 760.00 464.00
3 870.00 1,140.00 696.00
4 1,160.00 1,520.00 928.00
5 1,450.00 1,900.00 1,160.00
6 1,740.00 2,280.00 1,392.00
7 2,030.00 2,660.00 1,624.00
8 2,320.00 3,040.00 1,856.00
9 2,610.00 3,420.00 2,088.00
10 2,900.00 3,800.00 2,320.00

General English 15 + 5 elective classes***
General English 15 + 10 elective classes***

***Electives classes are Grammar & Writing and/or Conversation Fluency.

Evening English classes

  • Start Date: September 16, 2024
Course options Weeks Days Time Fee
English for Business 4 Monday & Wednesday 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 150.00
IELTS Exam Preparation 4 Monday & Wednesday 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 150.00
FCE – CAE – FCE Exam Preparation 4 Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM 150.00

School Groups and Ministays

Please, fill in the form below and we will contact you.


  • July 1st to August 16th 2024 (course dates)
  • Host family programme
  • Ages: 14+ (individual bookings)*
  • Arrive on Saturday or Sunday only
All packages include: Weeks Fees
  • Airport transfers
  • Tuition 20 hours per week
  • Host family, shared rooms, full board
  • Packed lunch & snacks (Monday to Friday)
  • 5-afternoon activities
  • 2 evening activities with hot snack food
  • 1 Saturday excursion outside Dublin
  • Travel Pass
1 980.00
2 1,790.00
3 2,595.00
4 3,405.00
5 4,215.00
6 5,020.00
7 5,830.00


  • UM service arrival: €30.
  • UM service departure: €30 (this is obligatory for all students aged 15 or less on the date of departure)
  • Single room supplement: €40 per week
  • Extra night in a host family shared room: €40 per extra night
  • Extra night in a host family single room: €50 per student per extra night
  • Host family change which is not a safeguarding issue***: €65 including transfer to new host
  • Special diet (Coeliac, gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan): €30 per week

* A 13-year-old may be accepted as an individual booking if accompanied in Ireland by an adult or an older friend/family member who agrees to stay in the same host  family.
** Supplements are by request only and are subject to availability. Where a supplement is paid at the time of booking, but the service cannot be offered, a full refund of the supplement will be made.
*** Examples: Student wants to move host family to be closer to their friends or closer to the city; the student has an allergy not reported at the time of booking; the student has unreasonable expectations of their host family. In such cases, €65 will be charged.

High School Programme in Ireland

Please, fill in the form below and we will contact you.

One-to-one lessons


One-to-one lessons (ESP etc.)
1 Hour 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons +1
Face-to-face 90.00 70.00 50.00 40.00 35.00 35.00

*One-to-one lessons are subject to teacher availability, please check availability in advance.

Administrative fees
Application fee 60.00


Season Low: Oct – May High: Jun – Sept
Option Shared Single Shared Single
Homestay half board 230.00 250.00 250.00 280.00
Homestay full board 255.00 275.00 275.00 305.00
Residence self-catering * n/a 360.00* n/a 400.00*
  • Only available during July and August 2024.
Administrative fees
Accommodation booking fee 60.00

*An admin fee and damage deposit are payable to the residence, and this fee varies according to each residence’s terms and conditions.

Airport Transfers

One way Return Transfer
90.00 160.00

All prices are in Euro (€)